Internet Explorer loads some pages so sloooowly, but others load really fast?!

Hi folks,

Please help me:cry: I am running Vista32 Home Premium on a new laptop. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer really chugs along on some sites (like Vistax64 forums, grrrr), but on others it is Uber-fast. It also seems to slow down when I purchase stuff, especially items on Ebay and Amazon. The progress bar takes ages to fill up and sometimes the next page doesn’t even load. Maybe it’s something to do with the security encryption when a purchase is made?

Anyhow, I think these problems are probably caused by the Antivirus and Antispyware programs that I have installed (recommended in a thread on this forum) - causing some kind conflict. But, not being too tech savvy, I’m not too sure which bits to turn-off/remove. I’m hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.

These are the programs I have installed, and their current states--i have probably gone way over the top with protection (^_^):

#NOD32 Antivirus 3.0 = Retail subscription version with built in antispyware. All features enabled.

#Spyware Terminator 2.3 = Freeware version. Real Time Shield, HIPS and Web Security Guard enabled (CLAM antivirus not enabled).

#Spybot Search and Destroy 1.6 = Freeware version. Resident Browser Helper and Tea Timer enabled.

#Spyware Blaster = Freeware Version. All protection enabled.

#Windows Defender = Did turn itself off after I installed the other antispyware stuff, but I turned it back on.

#Windows Firewall = Has always been on, even though I have a hardware firewall in my Sky Netgear router.

#Netgear Hardware Firewall = Always on. Can’t figure out how to turn it off and can’t change router due to Sky terms and conditions.

I think that the real-time protection parts of the antispyware programs are conflicting, and/or the two Firewalls aren’t co-existing well.
Any thoughts or help would be much appreciated.

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My Computer
