Battlefield 2142 w/EA Link


New Member
I have been unable to successfully run Battlefield 2142 with any of the recent (v1.20 or v1.25) patches applied. When I run the program, it launches successfully and I can get to the start game menu. If I pick the single user game, I end up crashing to the desktop with the following error:

The event log shows the following error:
Faulting application BF2142Pace.exe, version, time stamp 0x462508ea, 
faulting module BF2142Pace.exe, version, time stamp 0x462508ea,
exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x0004614f, 
process id 0x2264, application start time 0x01c78a1676a6b960.

My config:
- Vista Ultimate 64 bit
- Asus M2R32 MB with Athlon x2 4600+
- 4 GB RAM
- ATI x1950xtx video
- latest (Catalyst 7.4) video drivers
- all currently available Vista patches installed
- MB sound w/ latest available drivers

I've seen various folks post about having succes with Battlefield 2142 by using editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE on the bf2142.exe file...with the EA Link version, that file doesn't exist and instead you have BF2142Pace.exe. I tried the same thing with that file: it made no difference and I got the same error as noted above.

BF2142 works fine so long as I don't apply any of the patches to it. Unfortunately, without the patches it isn't really possible to play online. You need to be running the same version to play online.

Is anyone out there experiencing the same problem as I am? Maybe I should go pick up the in-store copy of BF2142...but that feels like throwing good money after bad unless I'm pretty darn sure it's going to work.

My Computer

Same problem here. It also happens if I try to enter multiplayer.. before any servers start populating on the list I crash. When I tell vista to check online for a solution, what is remaining of the program as well as the vista window crash and disappear.

Vista Home Premium (64 bit)
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5600+
DDR2 2GB PC6400 Dual OCZ (2x1GB)
BFG GeForce 8800 GTS
Gigabyte GA-M59SLI-S5

Was a clean install on a brand new drive. All vista updates applied, BF2142 patched to 1.25.

My Computer

fixed my problem.. kinda. i uninstalled bf2142. reinstalled it and somehow it destroyed my downloaded patches so i downloaded all 3 patches and northern strike.

then, i installed the first 2 patches one after the other. following that, i installed northern strike and then the final patch. it at least got me playing.. then i got the punkbuster error. not to fear...

go >> here <<

for some reason it doesn't install punkbuster or start the service. i was too lazy to actually find out if you could start the service manually from the bf2142 install so i just manually installed it through the link above.

just now i got a ctd before entering game.. i'll hope this is an isolated incident. this 8800 has been doing good at restarting and recovering with only a couple seconds lost.. it choked on this one.. recovered but i'm afraid the client didn't make it.

..hoping the ole ratheon reset works here.

My Computer
