Hooray!!! Nostromo N52 Vista 64 driver available



My Computer

you should have looked at the drivers section of this forum about 3 weeks ago :P

I can only imagine you are as happy as i was :) Nostromos rock.

My Computer

I'm unable to get these drivers to work. I just got Vista 64 (dual boot with XP or I'd go crazy), and the driver installation process in general on Vista seems fricking bad. Maybe there's somewhere I can change this process, but it searches Windows Update first while I wait without choice and then inevitably does not find the driver. I pointed it right to the x64 folder of the Nostromo folder when given the option and that doesn't work. I installed the file from the above link.

Are the file versions of the Editor and Loudout Manager supposed to say 3.2.2 ? I KNOW I downloaded 3.2.4 so I can't understand this and I think it might be my problem.

Please help.

My Computer

Yep I'm impressed as well, that would have been the one thing that stopped me installing x64. I've got the N50 and it works fine.

When I was testing Vista x64 I made the mistake of installing the old ones (3d I think). After that it never showed the device in the loadout manager. I later found the x64 drivers but even after uninstalling the other ones it would never show the device in the loadout manager. My fix was a fresh install of x64 ... which I planned to do anyway as that build was a dummy one to test hardware drivers and overclocking.

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