Hard Disk Disappearing


New Member

My problem is such:

1. I have a 120GB hard disk that shows a capacity of 105GB. No problems there--I understand that there's a restore partition and GB vs a billion bytes

2. My hard disk says that 54GB is being used.

3. However when I drag and select all folders in my C: and click properties, I only see 28GB of usage. This leaves an unaccounted-for 26GB.

I've just run disk cleanup and cleaned up my shadow copies before verifying all this. Besides at a MAXIMUM, system restore should only eat 15% of my hard disk (18GB)

What explains this loss? How do I fight back and regain my hard-earned gigabytes?


My Computer

You showing all hidden folders? Also, does that include anything that might not be in there? I'm not sure if all OS stuff would show up (not really my area of expertise).

My Computer

Thanks for the tip, Fighting Scallion. I just tried showing hidden files (I had forgotten you could bring up those XP options) and my usage went up to 34 GB when doing select all->properties.

I guess this included a bunch of sys files, my hibernate cache, and system restore.

Now I'm only down to an unaccounted 20GB!


My Computer
