Afp client for Vista


New Member
What a pain, put a long story short i need a AFP-apple filing protocal client for Vista. I found one for Xp called PC MacLan and its a small and simple program that works well. I have yet been able to find a decent client for Vista.

I need an afp client for Vista to connect to my share drive connected to my AEBSn router... since i know someone will ask this. No i can't change the default windows file sharing port on this router not possible... TCP ports 137-139 and 445 are blocked by the ISP's here for security reasons and no way around this unless i get a Business account.... I already have 2 routers don't want a third just to access drive connected to router... and no i don't leave a server running day and night that is the reason i choose a router with usb port that supports USB HDDs...


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