DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE bsod on Vista installation


New Member
I'm doing a brand new install of Vista and once it gets to Completing Installation the screen flickers, goes to a black screen with the little blinking under-line and stays there for around 10 minutes before I get a BSOD with DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE and it restarts 10 seconds from there.

I've reset my bios to defaults, updated to newest bios, disconnected and reconnected my only hard drive, disconnected every device except keyboard and mouse and I still can't fix the problem. I have tried 32 and 64 bit versions of Vista with the same issue.

I have absolutely no idea why it is doing this. Help?!

NOTE: Vista will resume and finish installation after the bsod but I would rather have a new install of Vista without any bsod's.

My Computer
