Solved Vista Ultimate64bit SP1- Dumping Monitor Profile


Just in case anyone else is having the problem of Vista 64bit dumping their monitor's profile on bootup (even though the profile will still be listed as the default profile in the Display Settings) there is a very quick and easy solution...........

1. Click Start/System Configuration/Tools/Security Centre
2. Click Launch
3. Click on Firewall in the top left hand corner.
4. Turn off the Firewall and reboot.

The monitor profile should now load as normal.

Very odd that this has only started happening with SP1. But, I don't know of any other work around. Does anyone?


My Computer

Follow Up: I've discovered that the above solution doesn't work.

Vista continues to ignore the default monitor profile - even though the profile is listed in Colour Management as correct.

The two tweaks suggested by poster 'puzzler15' here....

Vista's new Color Management System: WCS - Digital Outback Photo

....don't work for me either.

One profile is .icc. A friend who runs Vistax64 has a .icm profile and has no problems. What's the difference? Could that be part of the problem?

Finally, how can I move the profile away from Startup as suggested by Puzzler15?



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