Randomize Desktop Background on Startup


New Member
I found a neat script that runs on startup and can change the desktop background to a random picture on the hard drive.

One problem I have with it is that it currently checks the date of the image and won't update the desktop background more than once a day. However, I'd like to update the desktop background every time I start the computer, not simply once a day. In other words, I'd like to remove the date check, and make it update the desktop background on startup.

Another problem is that the script also includes a "refresh" command, and runs in the background for some time and tries to refresh the desktop background so that the new image can load. But this doesn't work for me, and wscript.exe remains running in the background. Therefore, I'd like to remove this feature as well, and have the script change the desktop background, and then exit.

Unfortunately, I don't know a thing about VB scripts :(. I've tried editing the script to my liking, but I always get an error and the script fails to run. I'm wondering if anyone can walk me through the steps to modify it, or even edit the script and post it back for me to use.

The website is called random wallpapers, and it provides information on how the script works. The actual script can be downloaded here.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: Here is the script
' ***************************************************************************
' This VB script randomly selects a picture every day (among the .JPG picture
' files stored in the "Wallpapers" directory) and refreshes the Windows 
' wallpaper with it.
' ***************************************************************************
' Usage: RandomWallpapers.vbs opsys wallpaperfilename
' with: 
' - opsys is the Windows version: allowed values are "XP" (to be used 
'   for Windows XP or older Windows versions) or "VISTA" (to be used 
'   for Windows Vista or more recent Windows versions).
' - wallpaperfilename is the name of the Windows wallpaper file. It will 
'   be updated randomly every day according to one of the pictures stored 
'   in the "Wallpapers" directory.
' Web site: http://sites.google.com/site/sharerandomwallpapers/
' Version of this script: '1.0'
' ***************************************************************************

Option Explicit

' ***************
' Check arguments
' ***************

Dim nbArguments
nbArguments = wscript.arguments.count

Dim oShell
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim filesys
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If nbArguments = 2 Then

    Dim opsys
    opsys = ucase(wscript.arguments(0))

    Dim wallpaperfilename
    wallpaperfilename = wscript.arguments(1)

    Dim wallpaperpictureformat
    If opsys = "VISTA" Then
        If InStr(lcase(wallpaperfilename),".jpg") = 0 Then
            WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! Inconsistent argument: wallpaperfilename shall be in .JPG format when using Windows Vista or a more recent Windows version (" & wallpaperfilename & ")."
        End if
        wallpaperpictureformat = "JPG"
    ElseIf opsys = "XP" Then
        If InStr(lcase(wallpaperfilename),".bmp") = 0 Then
            WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! Inconsistent argument: wallpaperfilename shall be in .BMP format when using Windows XP or an older Windows version (" & wallpaperfilename & ")."
        End if
        wallpaperpictureformat = "BMP"
        WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! Inconsistent argument: opsys is not equal to XP or VISTA (" & opsys & ")."
    End if

    writeInTraceTxtFile("***** RandomWallpapers.vbs is run (" & opsys & ", " & wallpaperfilename & ") *****")

    If NOT filesys.FileExists(wallpaperfilename) Then
        If opsys = "VISTA" Then
            WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs is run for the first time: the Windows wallpaper will be refreshed tomorrow morning (or at next computer restart)"
        Else ' (XP)
            WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs is run for the first time: the Windows wallpaper will be refreshed in a few moments..."
        End if
    End if

    WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! Wrong number of arguments (" & nbArguments & " argument(s))."
End if

' ***************
' Main processing
' ***************

Do While True

    If opsys = "VISTA" Then

        ' Wait for 3 minutes
        ' ******************

        If filesys.FileExists(wallpaperfilename) Then
            writeInTraceTxtFile("Wait for 3 minutes before updating the Windows wallpaper...")
        End if

        ' Update the Windows wallpaper randomly
        ' *************************************


        ' Wait for the next day
        ' *********************

        ' (Only useful if the computer is not stopped in between. If it is stopped, the wallpaper 
        ' will be automatically refreshed by Windows at next computer restart)

        ' Refresh the Windows wallpaper
        ' *****************************


    Else ' (XP)

        ' Update the Windows wallpaper randomly
        ' *************************************


        ' Refresh the Windows wallpaper
        ' *****************************


        ' Wait for the next day to do again the same operations 
        ' *****************************************************

        ' (Only useful if the computer is not stopped in between)

    End if


' ***************************************************************************
' ***************************************************************************
' SUBs:
' ***************************************************************************
' ***************************************************************************

' ***************************************************************************
' This function randomly updates the Windows wallpaper file according to 
' one the .JPG picture files stored in the Wallpapers directory.
' ***************************************************************************

Sub UpdateWallpaperFileRandomly()

Dim currentdirectory 
currentdirectory = left(WScript.ScriptFullName,(Len(WScript.ScriptFullName))-(len(WScript.ScriptName)))

' Check that the Wallpapers directory exists
' ******************************************

' Check that the Wallpapers directory exists
If NOT filesys.FolderExists("Wallpapers") Then
    WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! The Wallpapers directory does not exist. Please create it (" & currentdirectory & "Wallpapers" & ") and put your .JPG picture files in it."
End if

' Count the number of .JPG files in the Wallpapers directory
' **********************************************************

Dim foldercontents
Set foldercontents = filesys.GetFolder(currentdirectory & "Wallpapers")

Dim nbJpgFiles
nbJpgFiles = 0

Dim file
For Each file In foldercontents.Files
    ' Check that the Wallpapers directory only contains .JPG picture files
    If InStr(lcase(file.Name),".jpg") = 0 Then
        WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! Only .JPG picture files shall be stored in the Wallpapers directory, but a file named " & file.Name & " was found. Please remove this file from the Wallpapers directory (" & currentdirectory & "Wallpapers" & ")."
    End if
    nbJpgFiles = nbJpgFiles + 1

writeInTraceTxtFile(nbJpgFiles & " picture files are stored in the Wallpapers directory")

' Check that the Wallpapers directory is not empty
If nbJpgFiles = 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! No .JPG picture file was found in the Wallpapers directory (" & currentdirectory & "Wallpapers" & "). Please add some .JPG picture files in this directory."
End if

' Check if the Wallpapers directory contains only one file (if so, display a warning message)
If nbJpgFiles = 1 Then
    WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: WARNING! Only one .JPG picture file was found in the Wallpapers directory (" & currentdirectory & "Wallpapers" & "). You have to add more .JPG picture files in this directory if you want your Windows wallpaper to change every day..."
End if

' Check if the Windows wallpaper was already updated today
' ********************************************************

Dim oShellTouch, oFolderTouch
Set oShellTouch = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set oFolderTouch = oShellTouch.NameSpace(currentdirectory)

If filesys.FileExists(wallpaperfilename) Then
    Dim modifydate
    modifydate = oFolderTouch.Items.Item(wallpaperfilename).ModifyDate
    If day(modifydate) & month(modifydate) & year(modifydate) = day(now) & month(now) & year(now) Then
        writeInTraceTxtFile("No new Windows wallpaper is selected as already done once today")
        Exit Sub
    End if
End if

' Select a .JPG file randomly among the ones stored in the Wallpapers directory
' *****************************************************************************

' Select a random number between 1 and nbJpgFiles
Dim selectedfileNb
selectedfileNb = Int(nbJpgFiles*Rnd + 1)
Dim selectedfilename
selectedfilename = ""

' Select the corresponding .JPG file
Dim i
For Each file In foldercontents.Files    
    i = i + 1
    if i = selectedfileNb Then
        selectedfilename = file.Name
        Exit For
    End if

' Defensive check
If selectedfilename = "" Then
    WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! Internal error when selecting .JPG file."
End if

writeInTraceTxtFile(selectedfilename & " is selected to be the next Windows wallpaper")

set foldercontents = Nothing

' Update the Windows wallpaper file according to the selected .JPG file
' *********************************************************************

If wallpaperpictureformat = "JPG" Then

    ' Copy the selected .JPG file into the .JPG Windows wallpaper file
    ' ****************************************************************

    filesys.CopyFile "Wallpapers\" & selectedfilename, currentdirectory

    If filesys.FileExists(wallpaperfilename) Then
        filesys.DeleteFile wallpaperfilename
    End if
    filesys.MoveFile selectedfilename, wallpaperfilename


    ' Convert the selected .JPG file into the .BMP Windows wallpaper file
    ' *******************************************************************

    ' If Windows XP (or older Windows version), MS Word shall be
    ' is installed on the PC (necessary to convert the .JPG pictures 
    ' into .BMP format, because .JPG wallpapers cannot be refreshed 
    ' (at all) in Windows XP).
    ' If MS Word is not installed on the PC, some other tools than MS Word 
    ' allow to do this (like IrfanView): you can download such a tool 
    ' and modify the VB scripts accordingly. The command for IrfanView is:
    ' i_view32.exe picturename.jpg /convert=picturename.bmp

    ' Check that all the .JPG -> .BMP conversion files are present
        if NOT filesys.FolderExists(currentdirectory & "JpgToBmp_conversion\") _
           OR NOT filesys.FileExists(currentdirectory & "JpgToBmp_conversion\JpgToBmp_conversion.vbs") _
           OR NOT filesys.FileExists(currentdirectory & "JpgToBmp_conversion\JpgToBmp_conversion.doc") Then
        WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! Some of the .JPG -> .BMP conversion files are missing. Please check the contents of the JpgToBmp_conversion directory: it shall contain a file called JpgToBmp_conversion.vbs and another one called JpgToBmp_conversion.doc."
    End if

    filesys.CopyFile "Wallpapers\" & selectedfilename, currentdirectory & "\JpgToBmp_conversion\"
    If filesys.FileExists("JpgToBmp_conversion\in.jpg") Then
        filesys.DeleteFile "JpgToBmp_conversion\in.jpg"
    End if
    filesys.MoveFile "JpgToBmp_conversion\" & selectedfilename, "JpgToBmp_conversion\in.jpg"

    ' .JPG to .BMP picture conversion using MS Word
    oShell.Run "Wscript.exe JpgToBmp_conversion\JpgToBmp_conversion.vbs", 0, True

    If NOT filesys.FileExists(currentdirectory & "JpgToBmp_conversion\out.bmp") Then
        WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! Cannot convert the selected .JPG file (" & selectedfilename & ") into the .BMP Windows wallpaper file (" & wallpaperfilename & ")."
    End if
    If filesys.FileExists(wallpaperfilename) Then
        filesys.DeleteFile wallpaperfilename
    End if
    filesys.MoveFile "JpgToBmp_conversion\out.bmp", wallpaperfilename
    filesys.DeleteFile "JpgToBmp_conversion\in.jpg"

End if

' Touch the Windows wallpaper file (i.e. update its modification date and time)
If NOT filesys.FileExists(wallpaperfilename) Then
    WScript.Echo "RandomWallpapers.vbs: ERROR! Internal error after Windows wallpaper file generation."
End if
oFolderTouch.Items.Item(wallpaperfilename).ModifyDate = now

Set oShellTouch = Nothing
Set oFolderTouch = Nothing

End sub

' ***************************************************************************
' This function waits for the next day
' ***************************************************************************

Sub WaitForNextDay()

Dim dateStr
dateStr = day(now) & month(now) & year(now)

' Wait for the next day
    ' Check date change every minute
Loop While dateStr = day(now) & month(now) & year(now)

writeInTraceTxtFile("Next day is detected")

End sub

' ***************************************************************************
' This function refreshes the Windows wallpaper (Windows desktop background)
' ***************************************************************************

Sub RefreshWindowsWallpaper()

' Windows refresh command
oShell.Run "%windir%\System32\RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters", 1, True
writeInTraceTxtFile("The Windows wallpaper is refreshed")

' Repeat Windows refresh command several times in Windows Vista (due to low task priorities for refreshing wallpapers in Windows Vista)
If opsys = "VISTA" Then
    Dim i
    For i = 1 to 12
        WScript.Sleep(30000 + i * 30000)
        ' Repeat refresh command
        oShell.Run "%windir%\System32\RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters", 1, True
        writeInTraceTxtFile("The Windows wallpaper is refreshed again (#" & i & ")")
End if

End sub

' ***************************************************************************
' This function adds a line of text in the trace.txt file
' ***************************************************************************

Sub writeInTraceTxtFile(str_p)

Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Dim tracefilename
tracefilename = "trace.txt"

' Check that the trace file remains small in size, otherwise reset it
If objFSO.FileExists(tracefilename) Then
    If objFSO.GetFile(tracefilename).Size > 100000 Then
        str_p = str_p & " [trace file has been reset]"
    End if
End if

Const ForAppending = 8
Const CreateFileIfDoesNotExist = True
Dim traceTextFile
Set traceTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile (tracefilename, ForAppending, CreateFileIfDoesNotExist)
traceTextFile.WriteLine(FormatDateTime(now) & ": " & str_p)
Set traceTextFile = Nothing

Set objFSO = Nothing

End sub
Last edited:

My Computer
