Problem With Leading Zeros In File Names

Looking for assistance again! Thought I would put together a small script to let me allocate random names to files and at the same time add a Prefix or a Suffix as required. However, the problem I ran into was when I wanted the suffix to include leading zeros namely, if the file name was to end ..... 1.txt I wanted to have .....0001.txt. Providing 0001 in the suffix data input box did not work despite showing as .....0001.txt on screen. The resultant file came out as 1.txt. Using a function seemed to work on a single file until I remembered that a function doesn't work in a loop. Can any of you guys out there assist and point me in the right direction?

I've added my script below. It does what I want apart from adding the leading zeros but it's a bit rickety. The files I was testing it on are named:

Library_123.txt, Library_456.txt, Library_789.txt

Thank you

Option Explicit

'Define vars
Dim fso, f, intMax, iLoop, k, intValue, strChar, strName, intNum
Dim File, strPrefix, strSuffix, Tally, x, Pad, n

Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Characters available for random choice
Const Chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789"

' Specify length of names.
intMax = 40

'Input File Prefix
strPrefix = InputBox(chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(13) & chr(10) & "    Enter Prefix", "Data Input")

'Check point
wscript.echo "     Prefix Entered Is:   " & strPrefix

'Input File Suffix
strSuffix = InputBox(chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(13) & chr(10) & "    Enter Suffix", "Data Input")

wscript.echo "     Suffix Entered Is:   " & strSuffix

Tally = "-1"

Set f = fso.GetFolder("F:\Test_8\Test\")
For Each file In f.Files
if instr(, "Library")>0 then
tally = Tally+1

strName = ""
    For k = 1 To intMax
        ' Retrieve random character between 0 and 34 
        intValue = Fix(35 * Rnd())
        ' Convert to allowed character 
        strChar = Mid(Chars, intValue + 1, 1)
        ' Build the name.
        strName = strName & strChar

    Wscript.Echo strName

'wscript.echo len(strName)

'wscript.echo len(strSuffix)

x = "0"

'Pad for leading zeros
pad = 4-len(strSuffix)

'wscript.echo pad ' 3

'Build leading zeros
for n= 1 to pad
strSuffix = replace(strSuffix,strSuffix,x & strSuffix)

'wscript.echo "Screen Suffix" & strSuffix

fso.MoveFile file.Name, Replace(file.Name,,strPrefix & "_" & strName & "_" & strSuffix+Tally & ".txt")
end if

'wscript.echo "Suffix" & len(strSuffix)


Set f = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

Wscript.Echo  "    File Names Allocated"


My Computer
