Start menu - explorer.exe problem fixed?


just another guy...
I've seen many threads here describing explorer.exe crashes. Some ppl have it when opening folders with particular file types, when dragging files, when opening network center etc. Some cen be remedied by disabling DEP, some have other solutions and some remain.

But I've this particuar one. When I open start menu and just POINT on control panel or any other item on the right (black) side of the menu, explorer.exe occasionaly crashes, but not always.

I've spent a whole day trying to get rid of this and believe it or not, it stopped crashing by doing the following - in the properties of taskbar i just changed menu icons to be small instead of large. That's it. I know it sounds strange, but it works for me. I've tried to get it down again many times, but it haven't crashed since.

So, if anyone is having the same problem, try to do it, it may help.

I will try do do some other "crash tests" when i get home from work, because i need to be sure.

In the end, it can also be just some coincidence, but i don't of anything else i changed to cause this coincidence, so i will post to confirm or say that it crashed again. :)

OK, i tried it hard, believe me, but it doesn't crash on me! So, I assume it works :)
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My Computer

I tried this and it doesn't work so it appears that the answer was something you did while you were trying to fix it and/or it just temporarily stopped. At any rate this problem for me comes and goes as it likes. It seems something hasn't fully prepared itself before it is expecting text. It almost certainly is a bug in the indexing of the files that you are searching.

I still haven't found the fix for this but fortunately it is only a fraction of the time I am using vista that this bug rears its ugly face.

My Computer
