Nvidia 6150 driver on hp notebook...display bugs...


My VISTA based hp notebook uses the 6150 Ge force chip set or so the hp system info states.

I have 2 odd problems......
I use a 2 montor set-up with a a 24" screen as my 2nd screen. The system always boots up fine. I can run email on the notebook and web stuff on the large screen.

1. If the system goes into sleep mode or similar, about 50 % of the time, when it wakes up, the visible portion of the mouse pointer is invisible on one of the screens. It happens on the 2nd screen the most, but, randomly will leave no visible mouse on the notebook. The mouse is still active and can do its normal functions. The only way to bring the mouse back is a full restart.

2. Again, usually when coming out of sleep mode, the larger 2nd monitor could be dark or lit up, but, will not show any visible web pages or similar.....just dead. I can usually do a work around to bring it back alive using the "NVIDIA Contol Panel". I activate it to use only a "single" screen and let it reset. Then, activate the "dual" screen and let it reset and the 2nd screen is alive again.

I have gone to the NVIDIA driver support page and when I get to driver update, I get a note that I should go to hp for any driver updates. I visit hp and they say I have the latest update....!!! Very frustrating.

Can anyone help me solve these problems...??? My guess it that it is a NVIDIA bug problem....
Many thanks,
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