VPN for x64 to emulate Cisco VPN?

the highlander

Power User
Anyone have any ideas?

I downloaded the NCP and Kaspersky detected it as a trojan. installed it anyways, as I need it and there is no way to configure it for my NAT/PAT network that we use.

I am using the Cisco VPN on my lappy but I need it for vista x64. Cisco is NOT supporting it and the only VPN I have been able to try is NCP.

Searches all over the net yield 0 results or bad bandaids like running VMs and rerouting everything.

Is there a way to successfully connect using Vista's Built-IN VPN or do i have to downgrade to x86 and loose 1gb of ram?


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I spent ages trying to find something to replace the Cisco VPN client but failed. In the end I decided to run windows XP in a virtual machine and install the Cisco VPN client in that. It works like a dream and it means I can stick with Vista x64 and not mess about with dual booting and stuff like that. I can use my legacy scanner from the virtual machine too.

Sorry I don't have the answer you were looking for but it is an alternative solution.

My Computer

We ran into the same issue where I work. We had to go the Windows VPN route. Basically you have to setup a Windows Terminal Server for your users to connect to you with. Cisco is lacking far behind with regards to Vista. They also disabled the option to start the VPN client before the user logs in. We were basically forced to find another VPN option for our users.

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