Access denied when accesing files from another PC


New Member
A lot of threads on "Access Denied", but haven't found one to resolve my issue. Had to reinstall Windows Vista Ultimate (started from scratch and reformatted the hard drive) recently, and since then I'm unable to access files from any other computer on the network. Three Computers in the Network:
1. ComputerX (the problem computer) has Vista Ultimate 64-bit with a shared USB drive and printer, and these Sharing settings:

2. ComputerY (Vista Ultimate 32-bit)
3. ComputerZ (XP 32-bit)
  1. ComputerY and Computer Z:
    • Can see ComputerX on the network and browse and acess Public folder and all files
    • Can access the shared USB drive on ComputerX and all files
    • Can print via the printer on ComputerX
    • Can see the folder Users/Charlie under OFFICE, but cannot open it, which is the main problem. On ComputerX, the Charlie folder has these shared settings:

    • The Charlie folder includes permissions for Everyone to access and edit files.
Efforts to resolve (after searching the web):
  1. Resetting Security settings to default via a Microsoft FixIt For Me app
  2. Renaming ComputerX from OFFICEPC to OFFICE
  3. Turning OFF all Shared settings, then turning them back ON
  4. Tried Password Protected Sharing both ON and OFF
As I said, this was working fine before I reinstalled Vista---I could go to Computer Y or Z, click Network, click OFFICE, click USERS, and I would see both Public and Charlie, and could open either no problem. Now, I click OFFICE then USERS, but I only see Public. Alternatively, because I shared Charlie, I see "Charlie on OFFICE" under Network places on Computers Y & Z, but when I click it, I get the error "...not accessible. You might not have permissions..." (on XP) or "Access Denied" (on Vista). Any help is much appreciated!

My Computer

Got the answer to my own question from another thread.
On ComputerX, the problem computer, I shared the folder Charlie, but the Permissions on it were restricted to the user Charlie, which I thought, as Charlie, allowed me to access it from another machine. It does not (probably because on the other machines I do NOT have the exact same login). Once I expanded the permissions to include Everyone, it allowed the other computers to see this folder.

My Computer
