File copy problem!?


New Member

I have this problem on Vista 64 edition. We have a html file ( index.html ) that is under the root of our IIS web server.

When I edit this index.html file ( in Notepad++ ) I make changes to the file, save and everything looks fine. But when I browse to http://localhost/index.html I'm not seeing the changes that I have made in the file.

So I check the file again, its as I saved it, with my changes correctly. So I made a copy of it ( copy + paste simple ) then I open the copied file ( Copy of index.html ) and it DOESN'T have my changes.

I originally thought it must be a problem with IIS caching the page, but after coping and pasting in the file system and then having 2 files, that have different contents I now think that it must be either an OS error, or a problem maybe with Notepad++.

Does anyone have any ideas? Or experienced this problem before? :confused:

My Computer
