Can't install Security Office Updates

I'm unable to install the following Security Updates: Excell 2007, Office Outlook 2007 and 2007 Microsoft Office. I even tried turning off my AVG anti virus before installion. I get only the Error 52F, no other codes. I have tried installing them separately and as stand alone installers from website...same result. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks

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Thanks for the suggestion. I downloaded the LisTool before and then when I tried to open LisTool.exe I got "LisTool cannot find MSO.dll or it is damaged. Either repair your office installation or try running LisTool in quiet mode (go to LisTool.exe\? for more info on quiet mode)" Couldn't find quiet mode info.

Don't know if it makes a difference, but I purchased the Office Home & Student 2007 and the manufacturer (Dell) installed prior to shipping. Then after I received the computer I purchased Office Outlook 2007 separately. Ya think that makes a difference. I've been on all the Dell communities as well as the Microsoft forums.

So far, no one knows. I guess I'll have to place a real phone call and home I can speak to someone who can help.

Thanks from Austin, Texas...for your time.

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Wow, it sounds like these guys found the answer. I wish I knew what language the first guy was speaking. Thanks for the good luck wishes. I'm gonna need them. I'll post back to you my results. Let's hope they are happy results. Thanks again.

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Hey, Fighting Scallion - I put the Office disc and tried to "repair". "Configuration did not complete. Error 1327. Invalid drive :g\". I tried with the Outlook disc also, same result. I also tried to install the Security Updates while both disc were engages....same result.

I restarted the Office Source engine.

Still can't update.

So I'm reading Ulrich's archival post and it looks good, but I have no idea what to do.

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Fighting Scallion - info from your 2nd link suggestion worked. All I had to do is change my Windows Update settings to "Install Updates Automatically", in this mode, it ignores the error. I previously had it set to ""Check for updates but let me choose whether to download or install". Far Out! THANKSA!

My Computer

Glad that worked. It's not a great work-around, since it kind of limits you in your options. You may want to go back to the setting of your choice, and switch back if it comes up again.


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