FarPoint Input Pro 3.0 controls


New Member
I have a VB6 ocx hosted by .Net and when running the application, I am receiving automation errors on tabs or forms which contain a FarPoint Input Pro control. This only occurs when the application is running on Vista. I can run the application entirely as VB6 and there is no error. The VB6 ocx hosted by .Net runs fine in Windows XP. I have registered the appropriate files edt32x30.ocx and any dependencies, but still receive the automation only on tabs or forms which contain the Input Pro controls. The FarPoint Tab Pro and Spread controls are fine. Any suggestions?

My Computer

Starting with Framework 2.0 SP1 every compiled image contains the IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT Flag in the PE Header. (See: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/csharpgeneral/thread/06d76a1f-b7a5-489b-b937-755cd9bfa90a/)​

This means that an application that is compiled with VS2005 or VS2008, with .NET 2.0 SP1 installed, can not use older ActiveX-Controls (e.g. from third parties) which are using ATL 7.1 or earlier (like Input Pro 3). DEP (active in Vista by default, inactive in XP by default) detects an access violation when the constructor of the ActiveX-Control is called.​
Here is a workaround I found.

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