Experience? How to synchronize my Outlook?


New Member

I'm looking for a way to synchronize some Outlook 2007 data (calendar, contacts) with other employees, all on different computers. I've found some information about this topic and learned that it is possible, but I´m not so good in this special area. Perhaps someone has a tip on how to do this the easiest way? We have 2 notebooks ( VISTA) and 3 PC's (XP / ...). Thanks and Greetz, R

My Computer

recently I had the same problem. I wanted to share my Outlook data with other computers. A friend of mine recommended SYNCING.NET. I tried it and it works good!

You just need to download, install this program and create a networtk. Once files are created, changed or deleted on your PC, the data is availlable on all computers at the same time. Maybe its the right software for you too.

You can download the trialversion at www.syncing.net

JJ :geek:

My Computer

Thanks! I have choosen syncing.net for my synchronization problem. As well a friend of mine reported about this software so it was a bit easier for me to decide for this way of synchronizes my data.

And even for a "greenhorn" like me it was simple to create a network and invite other computers.

I´m happy with this solution and hope there wont be any data chaos in the future!

Bye, relaxx

My Computer
