

Ok for yull photoshop users i need some help
Yull should know the Magic Wand Tool that selects the part you want to select well im working on this picture i select the part i want to paste on that part i selected but i dont know how so if someone could tell me i would be happy
what im saying is i want to paste a picture to the part i selected with magic wand tool
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My Computer

I think you want to paste an external image into an irregularly shaped area you select in the psd. Here's what I would do. 1) open the external image in photoshop 2) drag it into your main file as a layer 3) move this layer so that it is just above the layer with the area you want filled 4) size and position the image layer correctly in relation to the area you want filled - you can make the image layer 50% opacity temporarily to do this 5) restore the image layer to full opacity. select the image layer in the layers palette (turn blue), and make it invisible (click eyeball) 6) make your selection on bottom layer with the wand 7) invert the selection (shift + ctrl + I) so everything outside the area is selected 8) without disturbing the selection, make the image layer visible again. make sure the image layer is still selected (blue) on the palette - modify selection if desired (feather, etc.) - cut (ctlr + X) This will cut away everything from the image layer except the area directly over the area to be filled. Hope this helps.

My Computer

You can rearrange the order of depth of the layers by simply dragging them on the layers palette at right. Press F7 to display the layers palette (or just select it in the "window" menu above), then select the layer you want to move so it turns blue. You can now drag it up or down the list.

My Computer
