office 2007 and 64-bit vista?

yup! I suggest not running it though.. it has issues that still need to be tweaked. Tends to crash and Outlook looks way goofy has all these big icons that you cannot change. A lot of small stuff that is way dumb that u have no control over. Stick with 2003 for now


My Computer

You're correct Larry. There is no native 64bit Office 2007. I believe MS has said in the past that it will be "some time" before there is a 64bit version

My Computer

You're right, Word shows up as a 32bit app in the task manager. Dunno why I said that Word is a 64 bit app. Sorry for the error!

My Computer

I am running Vista 64 bit and purchased Office 2007. It runs like a charm. I haven't found any problems with it yet and I have been using it approximately 1 month now.

My Computer

Perhaps this comment isn't in the right area, but I'll post it anyway. I noticed that does not specify that Office 2007 will run on Windows Server 2008. I'm planning to put together a new Windows Server 2008 64bit, with Exchange 2007 and Terminal Services. The Terminal Services users would be running Office 2007 and I want to be sure this configuration will work, any comments appreciated please as to whether or not this is a valid configuration. Also any thoughts on using Office retail licenses which appear to be all 32bit on the Terminal Server versus Microsoft Open licenses. I'm not sure whether or not I can obtain a 64 bit version of Office under the Microsoft Open Value license program or not.
I'm new to the forum and found it a bit unusual that this is a PHP site and not an ASPX site, oh well... Thanks in advance for your input.

My Computer
