phone line mix-up?

Hi all - -
I was trying to send a picture (of a form) from my smart phone to my gmail,by using the Menu-Share-Gmail feature on the phone.

I had used it multiple times recently.

Imagine my surprise, when i received nothing in my Gmail.

I called my phone plan carrier, they suggested that i take out the batttery and place it back.

i tried the trick.

it still did not work.

Then, i tried again. I finally saw emails in my Gmail.

As i kept my Gmail open, i called the person whom i need to send the pic of the form to. I wanted to hear whether the agency can just read the form via email or, a faxed copy is preferred.

As i was discussing with him, i heard on my computer the tapping of the keyboard (not my keyboard), a few notes played on a piano, a person walking in a room, as if when you are trying to call someone and the telephone line got all mixed up, and you would inadvertently hear a conversation carried on another phone line.

Can anyone explain why this happened? As soon as i ended up the conversation, i signed out my Gmail and it seemed that all that noise disappeared, too. Right away, i signed into another Gmail account of mine. Everything was normal. I did not hear any sound.

The other question i have is whether this had anything to do with the fact that the initial attempts of sending the pic did not go through, at all.

Thank you.

My Computer
