admin account turned into standrad


New Member
i was makin a standard account for a friend cuz she was stayin here for a few days so if she wanted some privacy for wha she did or where she went but i just deleted and turned on the guest account
but yesterday i realized that my account was turned into a standard account now so i can't turn it back and its ask or a admin password but doesn't give me ne where to enter it...ofcourse that wouldn't matter cuz i don't have an admin password.

so how do i fix my problem

My Computer

i was makin a standard account for a friend cuz she was stayin here for a few days so if she wanted some privacy for wha she did or where she went but i just deleted and turned on the guest account
but yesterday i realized that my account was turned into a standard account now so i can't turn it back and its ask or a admin password but doesn't give me ne where to enter it...ofcourse that wouldn't matter cuz i don't have an admin password.

so how do i fix my problem

This sounds like a serious bug. You should contact microsoft about this. I would also try booting in safemode and seeing if that helps you to access an admin account.

It is also possible you have modified the local security policy to require admin credentials on elevation requests even for admins. When it asks for an admin username/password have you tried just clicking OK?

Also - Usally when there are no admin accounts active, the system will activate the built-in admin. Can you see that account on the logon UI? If you can use that account to reinstate your old accounts priviledges. The default password is usally something like "password" "administrator" or "admin" depending on who supplied your computer. If someone installed the OS for you, only they will know the password.

There is also methods in which you can reset the admin accounts password, however I dont think I am permitted to explain that on these forums as it could be seen as hacking :( - Sorry.

information   Information
(You can't modify the security policy in home versions)

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hewlett Packard
    3.40Ghz / 2.20Gz Duo Core
    2GB / 3GB
    Hard Drives
    160 GB / 160 GB
Can up upload a screenshot to this? That way we will know you are not just trying to get help breaking into a computer and then we might be able to explain more complex ways in which you can gain admin access.

To take a screenshot follow these steps;
  1. There is a button on your keyboard called "PrtScn" press that.
  2. Open paint and paste (Right click > paste OR Ctrl + V)
  3. Save and upload here.
You might need to upload a picture of your screen from a camera because of the secure desktop...

This will also help us see what excatly the issue is, I have never seen or heard of it before...

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hewlett Packard
    3.40Ghz / 2.20Gz Duo Core
    2GB / 3GB
    Hard Drives
    160 GB / 160 GB

Last edited:

My Computer

I don't think you quite understood me, I meant the elevation prompt but never-mind.

If there is only two accounts on the desktop I think one has to have admin privileges.

Anyway, this will explain how to reset the admin account and activate it. It also has an option in which to promote to admin.

information   Information
Offline NT Password and Registry Editor
1. For how, see this site: Offline NT Password and Registry Editor
NOTE: If you have no access to your computer, then you will need to create this boot CD/DVD on another computer so you can use it to boot into yours with and use.

2. Click the Bootdisk button at the top.
3. Scroll down to the Download section and download the Bootable CD image.
NOTE: You can use any ISO burner you like, but the free ISO Recorder program is a good one to use. For the 32 bit or 64 bit ISO Recorder download, see this site: ISO Recorder v3

4. Follow the instructions from their website on how to use it. See: Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
NOTE: Please direct your questions about this tool to the site providing the tool.
(This comes from brinks tut on resetting a user password)

Post back if you require more assistance.

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hewlett Packard
    3.40Ghz / 2.20Gz Duo Core
    2GB / 3GB
    Hard Drives
    160 GB / 160 GB
ok a few weeks ago i download winRAR to get something programs to open correctly and i just saw that it deleted or overwritten my winzip program. so i downloaded winzip but i have my computer set to have me ok making any major changes ie installing/uninstalling new programs. so i can't install the winzip or uninstall thw winRAR. and now i don't think its opening correctly because i can't get ne thing to start from it...

My Computer

Im sorry, I dont understand...

You need winRAR to extract the files? Is that what you mean?

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hewlett Packard
    3.40Ghz / 2.20Gz Duo Core
    2GB / 3GB
    Hard Drives
    160 GB / 160 GB