Solved UAC oddities


New Member
Hello, I am hoping someone here can explain to me what is happening.

I have three systems, the newest being a 2nd laptop running Vista Home Premium 32-Bit.

My first system is a laptop as well, running Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, with the latest updates.

My at home computer is Vista Home Premium 64-Bit.

I first noticed that on my home computer, the UAC message does not pop up when I load up games. This intrigued me because that annoying UAC pop-up plagues me on my first laptop.

The 2nd laptop I just purchased and updated is like my 64-bit home computer...although UAC is activated...there is no annoying UAC message?!

What sets these systems apart from my UAC-bugging laptop? Is there any way for me to configure that laptop so that the UAC message doesn't pop up all the time?

All systems are running under administrator other accounts.


*Update: I fixed the UAC problem with the solution offered here:

Since I'm a stickler for still bothers me why I had to do it with this system while the other two Home Premium systems were fine. What's the difference? My guess is MS fixed the problem with later builds of Home Premium....but they should have offered this fix through a Windows Update as well.
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My Computer


This fix does not work.

Upon restarting the laptop, it appears that nothing has changed, except for UAC being disabled with a Windows Security notice.

So the question still remains...why are some Vista Home Premiums running without the annoying UAC prompt?

I found out about Default Administrator accounts as well, and that seems to be a fix, but it does not apply to these accounts that do not have default administrator enabled.

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