The keyboard of the future will know just how you feel

Your feelings and emotions are revealed not just by what you type but how you type it. In the future, your PC could warn you if you're typing an angry memo or instant message and suggest you step away from the keyboard for a minute, and perhaps take a tea break.

Today's computers are simply tools, but tomorrow's could be "emotionally aware" systems. Researchers say: "If we could build any system that is intelligent enough to interact with humans that involves emotions, that is, it can detect user emotions and change its behaviour accordingly, then using machines could be more effective and friendly."

Nazmul Haque Nahin, Jawad Mohammad Alam, Hasan Mahmud and Kamrul Hasan from the Islamic University of Technology in Bangladesh explored the topic by measuring what users typed, and asking them to indicate their emotional state. A pop-up window gave them a choice of nine tick boxes: the standard ISEAR (International Survey on Emotion Antecedents and Reactions) emotional classes of joy, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, shame, and guilt, plus two extra ones: neutral and tired.

Read more at: The keyboard of the future will know just how you feel | ZDNet