Windows automatically installed update!!

Howard Kaikow

Vista Pro
I have always had Vista set up to ONLY notify me about udates, not to install, or even download.

Well, when I flipped open ny notebook, I had to login.
Once logged in, I was notified that updates had been installed.
Sure 'nuf Vista had changed the setting. on its own, to automatically install.
I changed back to only notify me.

This is unaccepable!

My Computer

Try reset WU in aggressive mode How do I reset Windows Update components?
+restart computer

If it don't help try method from this post:

If none of above methods help you uninstall 3p security software:firewall,antivirus,antispyware

I had alredy done that when I first installed Vista.
did so again today,

I wonder if installing an update to KIS 2010 caused the reset?
I'll try to remember to check each tile tgere is an update to th KIS prog.

My Computer
