Movie Maker Not Working


New Member
I have a presentation for tuesday and it requires a youtube advertisement video but movie maker won't work for me. This is the first time ive had any problems with it whatsoever.

Whenever i import my MP4 file it closes the movie maker. When i re-open the movie maker the MP4 file is now there but if i try and use the file the movie maker freezes and brings up the following error code:

Executable: MOVIEMK.exe Pid 2a4c Tic 4960.Module
QuickTimeSource.dll, 3 objects left active!
At line 317 of .dllentry.cpp
Continue? Cancel to debug

I tried my brothers laptop but this time whenever i tried to shorten the MP4 it movie maker slowed down and struggled. It will only delete material from the end of the clip to make matters worse. He has no left so this problem isn't really relative anymore. :(

Any help would be much appreciated.

My Computer
