Facebook is using your 2FA phone number to target you with ads

Alongside the myriad other scandals the social network is currently embroiled in, it recently emerged this week that the company is using its users' need for security as a means of invading their privacy.

The company yesterday issued a statement confirming that phone numbers provided by users to Facebook for the purpose of securing their account via two-factor authentication were, in turn, being used by Facebook to serve up ads.

Two-factor authentication, if you're not familiar, is a security measure that aims to secure your account by adding a second step to the login process in addition to requiring a password. This is usually done by asking you to insert a code sent to your phone.

The statement from the Facebook spokesperson reads,

"We use the information people provide to offer a better, more personalized experience on Facebook, including ads. We are clear about how we use the information we collect, including the contact information that people upload or add to their own accounts. You can manage and delete the contact information you’ve uploaded at any time.

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