Solved Vista SP1 update victim!


New Member

Not sure who can help me with this but any help would be gratefully received. I installed the SP1 update which stopped my system from working resulting in an error "DXC0000034!! 250/69843".

Seems a number of people have been a victim of this. To get round this I could not restore to a point earlier than when I updated Vista therefore I have installed vista again over the old version! This allows me to access Vista but I now cannot install programs such as Windows Live, iTunes or update Vista (get a 8007000B error).

Has anyone else had this happen to them and if so how did they get round this?



My Computer

Thanks for that. I have given that a go but it does not work. However fear not for I have solved the problem, and it was not buying a Mac! I formatted the whole thing and now have a good as new blank canverse to work with. Not ideal but nice to have it working again and being able to install items.

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