Facebook chat


This is not Vista related but I have tried all other methods to settle this problem. No help from Facebook at all. On Facebook Chat I have a friend's profile picture showing on "Friends on Chat" that is not online. This has been stuck on their over a week. I sent a screen shot to FB with no response. I deactivated my account and reactivated and the chat person is still there. I unfriended this person and it went a way. Friended this person back and it comes right back on chat. She changed her profile pic and it changed. She is not online. She knows about this but i have not been able to clear the "Friends on Chat" Any one who can help I will give it a try. I have Vista 32

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Since this is a Vista Forum and not a Facebook Forum, I must answer as though its a Vista problem and it may be.
Download ccleaner and clean the crap files.
if that does not work
Just make a new user profile for Vista.

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Thanks, but this does not solve this problem. I have been running Ccleaner for some time on a daily basis. i will just let this annoying problem be. Thanks.

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Have you cleared your browser's cache ?

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    fans that came with it
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    basic USB
    Internet Speed
    3 megabits on a cable modem, wired
Done that also. Still stuck


  • Capture.JPG
    8.3 KB · Views: 215

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Ccleaner, also, cleans the cache.
Did you try a new user account?
If the pic is sitll there the problem is at the other end.

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    DSL provided by ATT
This is how you set up the account. You will keep the old account and lose nothing.
If this works we know that the problem is with Vista if not its probably with facebook.
Set up the new account, boot. Sign in to the problem account at face book, reeport back

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    DSL provided by ATT
I created a new Vista user account. Logged on to Facebook. The profile icon is still there. Does this help determine if it is Facebook or Vista? She changed her profile picture and the Chat icon changed too.


  • Capture.JPG
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Appears to be a facebook problem. With the new account your started fresh. The problem seems to be in your login ID with facebook.
If you want to be 100% certain, try with another computer.
If the pic is there with another computer, IT HAS TO BE FACEBOOK.

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Thanks. I will try this when I can use someone elses pc. Waiting to get my car back so I can "RIDE" i sent that screen shot to Facebook five times. They have ignored it. i just go offline on Chat to keep from seeing that icon. I enjoy Vista Forums very much. i am a "Dummie' 79 years old but still willing to learn. Keep up the good work. If I get it fixed I will let you know.

My Computer

TY for the kind words, truly appreciated. I should have thought about the other computer earlier. That is a true test. It appears that it is facebook and not your computer.

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    DSL provided by ATT
You could tell Facebook a team of computer experts have, after due testing, determined the problem is Facebook's server and they should fix it.

only semi-joking.

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    Screen Resolution
    1920x1080 resolution
    Hard Drives
    1 terabyte sata in 1 partition
    fans that came with it
    basic USB
    basic USB
    Internet Speed
    3 megabits on a cable modem, wired
Richard, I had the opportunity today to use someone elses computer so I did what you suggestedd. You guessed it. Still there. i have done everything i know of and nothing takes off but unfriended her. It is not her fault so I do not want to do that .This is from their reply two weeks ago. i have sent screen shots four times since then.

"Once you have saved the screen shot, attach it in a response to this email. If your issue is unfamiliar to our team, we may contact you for more details. If we have identified and are troubleshooting your issue, we will not need to contact you for more details."

So if they are familiar with the problem then sometime if my lifetime it should be fixed:D Again thanks for your help.

My Computer

Sorry, but its a small problem. Its best to know the cause, however. Are you sure its not something she did? I think we are about the same age and have learned people are capable of trying anything.

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System One

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    Dell XPS420
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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    DSL provided by ATT
Small problem but very annoying. She is my nephew's wife. She would have no reason to do anything.
We tried so I guess i will have to leave it be
Thanks again

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Good Luck !

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire X1700
    3 gigs
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    EVGA 1 gig GeForce 210
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Vizio 21" tv
    Screen Resolution
    1920x1080 resolution
    Hard Drives
    1 terabyte sata in 1 partition
    fans that came with it
    basic USB
    basic USB
    Internet Speed
    3 megabits on a cable modem, wired
THANKS I appreciate each of your efforts. Small problem but annoying.

my message to Facebook:

I have sent screen shots of this problem five times. I have not received a
reply or a solution. On the advise of a team of computer experts and after
following their suggestions they and I have determined it is a Facebook
problem. I opened a new account on Vista 32 and signed in to Facebook and it
is still there. I signed in to my Facebook account on my son's computer and
it is still there. It is very annoying to see that on "Friends on Chat'
every time I go on Facebook. It is not the person's fault. She is working
every day and it is there around the clock. I have unfriended her and
friended her back and it still comes up. I have deactivated my account and
reactivated and it still comes up. I have done all the privacy things,
account and friends nothing works. You have to have some suggestions.:(

My Computer

Very well worded, and to the point. Wish you luck

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    Dell XPS420
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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
    Hard Drives
    640 gb
    Dell USB
    Dell USB 4 button optical
    Other Info
    DSL provided by ATT