Live Messenger Error code 80070005


I had a similar issue and looked for a solution on the web. I gathered that this is a security issue in Vista. I had installed windows live before I had put a password, then created a password on my account and I think this is what started my problem.

Basically I uninstalled ALL of the windows live options from the control panel and removed my password(I am running under an administrator) and rebooted my computer. I went back into my profile and then added a password. I then ran the windows live install as an administrator and that solved my problem.

I also had the same problem and had previously re-installed Windows Live Messenger a number of times to no avail. I also previously changed my User Account from Administrator to Standard and back to Administrator, to no avail.

I finally fixed the problem by taking blok's advice BUT without re-installing Live Messenger. What I did was:
(1) Removed the password from my User Account
(2) Restarted the computer
(3) Added the (same) password back to my User Account
(4) Restarted the computer & Logged into Live Messenger succesfully (problem solved).

My Computer
