No internet no networking

Update on my problem, I thought the problem was Vista because our other computers are on the internet and my new laptop has Vista and was not able to access the network or the internet. So i took my laptop to my ISP shop and they were able to get right onto the internet and network. So to make a long story short, it has something to do with our internet canopy thing. I don't know all the terms but it looks like satellite thing .
This is what our internet thing looks like

It could be the antenna thing . But thank you everyone for trying to help me on this i really do appreciate it!

My Computer

Thanks for the feedback Natalie.

Could you please tell us a bit more about your ISP (web site address would be fine)

I experienced a satellite connection here in France in 1995/96, at the time it was an omni-directional connection, requests and uploads being made through the telephone line and as we were only 400 all over the country, the shared download speed could go up to more than 100 Mbps/s.
This satellite experience ended when ADSL arrived on the market.
Since, i made few experiences (still running) in small villages too far away from the telecom center but bi-directional this time, therefore i'll be very interested to have a look on your ISP site if they have one.


My Computer
