How to turn off auto expanding


I often drag from the right pane to the left pane in Windows Explorer. In each case I ALWAYS expand the left pane first so that I can see the folder I want to drag into.
However, if that folder already has subfolders it often expands and I have no idea where the drag will end up. Is it possible to turn off this autoexpanding function?

My Computer

You are correct that folders will open in the left pane. But the target folder will always be highlighted.

In fact, you can move the highlight up and down the entire C\: drive all day, opening every folder, until you finally release the left mouse button in the highlighted folder :)

BTW1: Of course, someone in the A-team might know how to turn off the folder action.

BTW2: I never use drag and drop in Windows Explorer. I use Ctrl+X in the source right pane, then Ctrl+V in the target right pane.

Reason: Because several times I've dropped into the incorrect folder. Either because the folder name was *similar* to the correct folder name. Or *identical* to the correct folder name, but in the wrong branch :(

By opening the target right pane, I can see what files and dates already exist (if any).

My Computer

I Understand, but don't use copy & paste. I always drag with the right mouse button, then choose copy or move. It's a bit simpler than Ctrl-X or Ctrl-C then Ctrl-V.

My Computer
