Internet Explorer Delete Browsing History Shortcuts

How to Create "Delete Browsing History" in Internet Explorer Shortcuts

information   Information
This will show you how to create or download shortcuts to delete the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files, Cookies, History, Form Data, Saved Passwords, All Browsing history, and All Browsing and Add-ons history.

EXAMPLE: Manual Internet Explorer Browsing History Delete Window
You will be creating shortcuts for these below. Left screenshot is for IE8, and right screenshot is for IE9, IE10, and IE11. You can press the CTRL+Shift+Delete keys to open the Delete Browsing History window.

To Download "Delete Browsing History" Shortcuts

NOTE: These are all of the shortcuts listed below in OPTION TWO.
1. Click/tap on the download button below to download the file below.​
2. Save the ZIP file to your desktop.​
3. Open the downloaded ZIP file and, extract (drag and drop) the shortcuts your want to your desktop.​
4. Unblock each extracted shortcut one at a time.​
5. In Vista and Windows 7, you can now Pin to Taskbar (Windows 7 only) or Pin to Start Menu, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to it, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.​
6. In Windows 8, you can Pin to Taskbar on desktop, Pin to Start screen, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to it, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.​

To Manually Create "Delete Browsing History" Shortcuts

1. Right click on a empty space on your desktop and click on New and Shortcut.​
2. Copy and paste the location below in bold for the shortcut you want, and go to step 3 below. (see screenshot below step 3)​
A) To Delete Temporary Internet Files
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8
B) To Delete Cookies
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 2
C) To Delete History
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 1
D) To Delete Form Data
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 16
E) To Delete Saved Passwords
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 32
F) To Delete All Browsing History
NOTE: This deletes all of the above items.​
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 255
G) To Delete All Browsing and Add-Ons History
NOTE: This deletes all of the above items, plus all of the IE add-on's history.​
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351
3. Click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)​

4. Type in a name for the shortcut, and click/tap Finish. (see screenshot below)​

5. To Change the Shortcut Icon
NOTE: If you would like to use the IE icon, then Browse to this location: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe (see screenshot below)​

6. In Vista and Windows 7, you can now Pin to Taskbar (Windows 7 only) or Pin to Start Menu, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to it, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.​
7. In Windows 8, you can Pin to Taskbar on desktop, Pin to Start screen, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to it, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.​

That's it,



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