LinkedIn blocked 21.6 million fake accounts between Jan. to June 2019

LinkedIn continues to grow as an active professional community of more than 645 million members where real people find jobs, advice and a chance at economic opportunity. Our teams are working to keep LinkedIn a safe place for professionals by proactively finding fake profiles then removing them and any content they share.

Between January and June 2019, we took action on 21.6 million fake accounts. This includes:
  • Preventing 19.5 million fake accounts from being created at registration. This means the vast majority - 95% - were stopped automatically, without ever being live on LinkedIn.
  • Restricting 2 million fake accounts before members reported them and 67,000 following member reports. This was possible by pairing human review with artificial intelligence and machine learning and our members who report fake accounts.
  • 98% of all fake accounts we prevented or took down were done so through our automated defenses, including artificial intelligence and machine learning. The rest were captured through manual review.
We want to make sure our community continues to be a valuable resource for you; one that creates opportunities to find jobs, make connections and grow careers. When we stop fake accounts, we start more chances for economic opportunity. We are committed to using every measure available to maintain your safety, allowing everyone to access economic opportunity while feeling supported and secure.

Source: An Update on How We’re Fighting Fake Accounts | Official LinkedIn Blog