Please I am getting this message when sending email using Vistaprint domain. Can someone help me please?


New Member
SMTP Error: [451] 4.7.1 <END-OF-MESSAGE>: End-of-data rejected: user has temporarily exceeded the allowed mail recipient relays per day. Please try again later.

My Computer

System One

  • Operating System
SMTP Error: [451] 4.7.1 <END-OF-MESSAGE>: End-of-data rejected: user has temporarily exceeded the allowed mail recipient relays per day. Please try again later.

Basically it means your PC has sent too many messages and hit a limit imposed by your mail server.

SMTP Error 451 have reached a limit on your mail server (or email account). This means your mail server will not accept any further messages until you waited some time....

Note: .... It's a limitation of the used email account and not a program limit or software bug....
SMTP Error Messages - SMTP Response Codes and Errors

If you don't recall sending that many messages yourself, then it may be that you have picked up some malware that has hijacked the PC and is using it to send bulk spam emails.

My Computers

System One System Two

  • Operating System
    various, from XP to W11
  • Operating System
    W10 Host machine running Hyper-V
SMTP Error: [451] 4.7.1 <END-OF-MESSAGE>: End-of-data rejected: user has temporarily exceeded the allowed mail recipient relays per day. Please try again later.
You're using Windows 10 and post on a Windows Vista forum because you have an email issue with Vistaprint, a small-business marketing company? Better yet, someone answers your question? I guess it's lonely being a vistax64 forum member; we'll take any Vista* questions (* = wildcard matching).

My Computer
