Trouble with USB Keyboard and Mouse since todays upgrades....

All solved.

After a long spell with hp support trying to install the printer, and replacing USB.inf files and with the ultimate failure and frustration, there was only one think left to do.

Hit the Nuke button. Format. Re-install. Everything working perfect for now!

Thanks for hanging in for so long boss.

My Computer

Well, sorry I couldn't really help solve it. My next reply was going to be a suggestion of a repair install if you had the disk. Guess that solution worked.

By the way, could you post your new device manager? I'm curious what the differences are when it's working.

My Computer

Well, sorry I couldn't really help solve it. My next reply was going to be a suggestion of a repair install if you had the disk. Guess that solution worked.

By the way, could you post your new device manager? I'm curious what the differences are when it's working.

Here ya go: A few changes in the USB Controllers Alright:


My Computer
