How to Restore your Windows.old Folder into a New Installation

When you install Windows on top of another Windows or do a upgrade install, the previously installed Windows files and settings will be backed up to the Windows.old folder. This tutorial will show you how to restore the files and folders from the windows.old folder to the currently installed Windows.
This means that any documents, settings, and programs will be restored to their previous positions and settings.
It will look similar to your previous installation, but not exactly the same! There will be some differences!
YES, this works in Vista, as well as Windows Seven. The instructions are EXACTLY the same!
This means that any documents, settings, and programs will be restored to their previous positions and settings.
It will look similar to your previous installation, but not exactly the same! There will be some differences!
YES, this works in Vista, as well as Windows Seven. The instructions are EXACTLY the same!

Make sure you:
This does NOT work perfectly!!!
When I used this, I still encountered some errors, such as TWO Program Files folders, and missing icon pictures.
This is NOT a recommended way to do a restore! It will work, but you should back up your data and take the time to either create a restore image, or reinstall your files.
It WILL work just fine for files such as those in your Documents folder.
- Know how to boot from a CD/DVD.
- Know how to install Windows from a DVD, over an existing installation.
This does NOT work perfectly!!!
When I used this, I still encountered some errors, such as TWO Program Files folders, and missing icon pictures.
This is NOT a recommended way to do a restore! It will work, but you should back up your data and take the time to either create a restore image, or reinstall your files.
It WILL work just fine for files such as those in your Documents folder.
1) Make sure that you want to do a new installation. If you are, then boot into the Install Disk and complete the installation.
2) Now you want to restore some of your old files? OK, read on!
Let's begin:
1) Insert your Installation disk into your DVD drive, and reboot. Make sure you can boot from the DVD.
2) Press any key to boot from CD when the option appears.
3) At this point, you have already done a clean install over your existing installation.
4) Select "Repair Your Computer" from the installation menu (see screen shot below).
5) Select your Windows installation you want to restore to.6) Select Command Prompt. This will bring up the command prompt window.

This starts getting complicated, and if you do something incorrectly, it could cause problems. Make sure you have your windows.old folder backed up, as well as your current installation (if needed).
Type each command EXACTLY as it is written! If you misspell what is in the code box, you will misspell the folder, possibly causing problems or errors!
Type each command EXACTLY as it is written! If you misspell what is in the code box, you will misspell the folder, possibly causing problems or errors!

When you type one or more of the commands at the command prompt in the following steps in this section, and you then press ENTER, you may receive the following message:
The system cannot find the file specified.
If you receive this message, go to the next step in this section, and then type the command in that next step.
The system cannot find the file specified.
If you receive this message, go to the next step in this section, and then type the command in that next step.
7) Type the following commands in, one at a time. Press ENTER at the end of each line. This will rename the windows.old folders, in preparation of being moved.
ren Windows Windows.Vista
ren "Program Files" "Program Files.Vista"
ren "Users" "Users.Vista"
ren "Documents and Settings" "Documents and Settings.Vista"
move /y c:\windows.old\windows c:\
move /y "c:\windows.old\program files" c:\
move /y "c:\windows.old\documents and settings" c:\
move /y c:\windows.old\users c:\
When the previous Windows installation was Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows XP, or Microsoft Windows 2000
D:\boot\bootsect /nt52 c:
D:\boot\bootsect /nt60 c:
Note: Only follow these steps when the previous installation is Windows XP or Windows 2000.
attrib boot.ini.saved -s -h -r
attrib boot.ini +s +h +r
Your Windows installation will start as normal, with the newly restored files and settings.

This does NOT work perfectly!!!
When I used this, I still encountered some errors, such as TWO Program Files folders, and missing icon pictures.
This is NOT a recommended way to do a restore! It will work, but you should back up your data and take the time to either create a restore image, or reinstall your files.
It WILL work just fine for files such as those in your Documents folder.
When I used this, I still encountered some errors, such as TWO Program Files folders, and missing icon pictures.
This is NOT a recommended way to do a restore! It will work, but you should back up your data and take the time to either create a restore image, or reinstall your files.
It WILL work just fine for files such as those in your Documents folder.
For anyone that wishes to use it, I hope it works for you.
I hope this tutorial will help many a person, and provide a solution.
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