Solved Windows updates for never used programs


Using Vista Business. I get and download Windows updates without any problems however, I have over 40 updates for programs I have never used nor had on my computer, ie: Word 2010. How can I delete this list and not receive the notice that an update is available for programs I don't have nor want? I'm hoping there is a simple solution. Thanks for any help.....Marv

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simply right click and select hide update. they may pop up after a few checks again but if you continue right clicking and hiding those updates it will get into the optional list. though it is highly recommended to keep every bit of your computer updated :)
hope this helps :)

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Thanks, looks like your suggestion worked, at least I don't need to look at the list anymore. It still make no sense to me that I get an update for a program I don't have but that's OK........thanks again.............Marv

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