Auto Update today killed my mouse

So you can't restore so just go to view updates and uninstall the updates of SP1 , there are two that cannot be uninstalled. Create a restore point before you do that. Uninstall your drivers that you have for your mouse and keyboard before uninstalling. After you uninstall the updates go back in and search for new updates ..install them and than reinstall your drivers and it should work.

My Computer

Normally I am using a wireless keyboard and mouse (Mx3200 from logitech) I am using a usb mouse right now with my wireless keyboard because the wireless one that came with the pack doesn't seem to work right now. I've attached a screen shot of what happens when I try to use restore from a restore point.

Thanks again

Hello stvchester,
Your System Restore is Not turned on. Use the link below to turn it on.

After that, install some updates ( if any ), install a program ( if any ), then go to system restore and see if there are restore point(s) present. Please let me know.

My Computer

Thanks I believe that was just my E:drive which is just a partition for data not where my windows is installed would that make a difference? (I am assuming checked means it is enabled)

My Computer

Thanks I believe that was just my E:drive which is just a partition for data not where my windows is installed would that make a difference? (I am assuming checked means it is enabled)
Hello stvchester,
Yes, "check" means "enable"; to put a check mark in the box.
Have a look at my screenshot. I say you system restore is not " on ".


My Computer

Thanks I believe that was just my E:drive which is just a partition for data not where my windows is installed would that make a difference? (I am assuming checked means it is enabled)
Hello stvchester,
I don't understand your question about the E: drive. Usually the OS system drive is C: just like yours, and the partitioned drive is D: (see my screenshot), and in my computer the E: drive is DVD RW drive. I am no good in this particular subject. I have no idea what your E: drive is.
Anyway, have you tried the link I gave you ?

My Computer

Thanks I believe that was just my E:drive which is just a partition for data not where my windows is installed would that make a difference? (I am assuming checked means it is enabled)
Hello stvchester,
I don't understand your question about the E: drive. Usually the OS system drive is C: just like yours, and the partitioned drive is D: (see my screenshot), and in my computer the E: drive is DVD RW drive. I am no good in this particular subject. I have no idea what your E: drive is.
Anyway, have you tried the link I gave you ?
Hello stvchester,
Do you have dual boot with Xp and Vista ? It's important !

My Computer

I have a linux partition as well as a Vista I do not have a XP partition. My E: is my data drive so I can access it from both my linux and vista. I checked the link out but it didn't help me much. I believe for some reason my auto restore points were removed and then it was disabled. I have remade one and turned it back on. Thanks again for the help.

My Computer
