missing string

I ran regedit as administrator. I opened permissions and chose Toshiba administrators

I notice that Full Control option is already ticked ie I cannot command that box

Am I on the right track?

My Computer

This key is blocked by Kaspersky -in this key are defined rules for Turkcell in Kaspersky Antivirus.Remove any info about Turkcell in Kaspersky -then you will do these kind of phrases also disappear in registry.

My Computer

Leave it - it is only empty rule in Kaspersky I don't thinks so these phrase could cause your problem - if you still have trouble with installing Turkcell - other undentified phrases are responsible for this not Kaspersky.You should rather to Turkcell asking for support not Kaspersky.

My Computer

3 ways:

1.Use system restore before you install Turkcell Connect
2.Call to Turkcell to ask for support
3.Install Erunt ERUNT and NTREGOPT

and by using this program make registry copy.This program will create folder <year-month-day> somethere in C:\Windows -you will see where exacly.I'm interested only SOFTWARE file and USERS subfolder which this program will generate - pack all to *.zip or *.rar and upload it on rapidshare.com

I'll try to check your registry myself

My Computer

Unfortunatly I didn't find any interesting in this file :( ,but you didn't give me NTUSER.DAT from your account.

but for quickly tocheck it also:

Create another administrative account and from this account try Install Turkcell Connect -> if also fail ask Turkcell for support - I'll give up :(

My Computer

All right.Nothing interesting found :( neverless I cheked again SOFTWARE file and try

remove these keys - they seems suspicious and almost empty - because these keys are only responsible for registering any non-system programs and you have already restore point done you can run the risk -If I mistake in the worst way another useful program will stop work.

Remove these keys


My Computer
