Trying to set up a home network

I'm trying to set up a home network for file and printer sharing.

This network would consist of:
1. Vista desktop (this is wired to a printer and wireless router)
2. XP desktop
3. Laptop

I successfully installed this adapter on each of the Vista and the XP desktops: : NETGEAR WN111 Wireless-N 300 USB Adapter : Usb Network Adapters : Electronics

Then, when I try to turn on printer sharing, this message displays :
"The specified service does not exist as an installed service".

I followed the advice given here:

Unable to share files error: The specified service does not exist - Microsoft Community

a) I enabled all the services, as described.
b) The SFC scan found errors that could not be fixed automatically by the scan.

To fix them manually requires changing things in the registry, which is a little above my experience.

Is there anything else to check before I go about messing with the registry?

(I did give the same name to the "workgroups" on each computer and made the network private, as advised)

Last edited:

My Computer

Please download the Farbar Service Scanner from

Farbar Service Scanner Download

Right-click on the saved file and select 'Run as Administrator', and tick all the options, then click on the Scan button - copy and paste the report to your response.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
Thanks for the help, Noel FSS is a pretty neato tool!
Here's the results:

Farbar Service Scanner Version: 25-02-2014
Ran by The Big Kahuna (administrator) on 26-02-2014 at 15:51:29
Running from "G:\Torrents"
Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium Service Pack 2 (X86)
Boot Mode: Normal

Internet Services:

Connection Status:
Localhost is accessible.
LAN connected.
Google IP is accessible. is accessible. is accessible.

Windows Firewall:
mpsdrv Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of mpsdrv service is OK.
The ImagePath of mpsdrv service is OK.

MpsSvc Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
Checking Start type: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open MpsSvc registry key. The service key does not exist.
Checking ImagePath: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open MpsSvc registry key. The service key does not exist.
Checking ServiceDll: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open MpsSvc registry key. The service key does not exist.
Checking LEGACY_MpsSvc: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open LEGACY_MpsSvc\0000 registry key. The key does not exist.

bfe Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
Checking Start type: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to retrieve start type of bfe. The value does not exist.
Checking ImagePath: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to retrieve ImagePath of bfe. The value does not exist.
Unable to retrieve ServiceDll of bfe. The value does not exist.
Checking LEGACY_bfe: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open LEGACY_bfe\0000 registry key. The key does not exist.

Firewall Disabled Policy:

System Restore:

System Restore Disabled Policy:

Security Center:

Security Center Notification Icon =====> Unable to open HKLM\...\ShellServiceObjects\{FD6905CE-952F-41F1-9A6F-135D9C6622CC} key. The key does not exist.

Windows Update:

Windows Autoupdate Disabled Policy:

Windows Defender:
WinDefend Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
Checking Start type: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open WinDefend registry key. The service key does not exist.
Checking ImagePath: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open WinDefend registry key. The service key does not exist.
Checking ServiceDll: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open WinDefend registry key. The service key does not exist.

Windows Defender Disabled Policy:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender]

Other Services:
Checking Start type of iphlpsvc: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open iphlpsvc registry key. The service key does not exist.
Checking ImagePath of iphlpsvc: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open iphlpsvc registry key. The service key does not exist.
Checking ServiceDll of iphlpsvc: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open iphlpsvc registry key. The service key does not exist.

File Check:
C:\Windows\system32\nsisvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\nsiproxy.sys => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\afd.sys => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tdx.sys => MD5 is legit
[2013-08-14 05:15] - [2013-07-04 22:20] - 0914880 ____A (Microsoft Corporation) 6D0D344F643E28B31262AC2682109A3C

C:\Windows\system32\dnsrslvr.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\mpssvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\bfe.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mpsdrv.sys => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\SDRSVC.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\vssvc.exe => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\wscsvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\wbem\WMIsvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\wuaueng.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\qmgr.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\es.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\cryptsvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpSvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\ipnathlp.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\iphlpsvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\rpcss.dll => MD5 is legit

**** End of log ****

My Computer

Ouch - you have some fairly extensive problems showing there.
It looks asif you had at least a partial infection from ZeroAccess or similar :(

Before we do anything else, let's run a quick check on malware...
Please download and install Malwarebytes Anti-malware (free version) from Malwarebytes : Malwarebytes Anti-Malware FREE - UNtick 'Enable free trial of MBAM PRO' at the end of the installation - and update it, then run a full scan in your main account, and Quick scans in any other user accounts.

Delete everything it finds

I'll work on a fix for the already-known errors in the meantime.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
I've uploaded a file - - to my OneDrive at Noel's OneDrive
Please download and save it to your desktop.
Right-click on the saved file and select Extract all...
Save it to the default location
This should create a file rseaa.reg

right-click on the file, and select Merge
Accept the warnings, - you should then get a 'Success' message.
Close all windows, and reboot.

Now run the Farbar scanner again, and post the new log.

Then test your networking.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
Well, that certainly cleaned things up! Many thanks!

Here's the new Farbar scan:
Farbar Service Scanner Version: 25-02-2014
Ran by The Big Kahuna (administrator) on 27-02-2014 at 05:18:29
Running from "G:\Torrents"
Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium Service Pack 2 (X86)
Boot Mode: Normal

Internet Services:

Connection Status:
Localhost is accessible.
LAN connected.
Google IP is accessible. is accessible. is accessible.

Windows Firewall:
mpsdrv Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of mpsdrv service is OK.
The ImagePath of mpsdrv service is OK.

MpsSvc Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of MpsSvc service is OK.
The ImagePath of MpsSvc service is OK.
The ServiceDll of MpsSvc service is OK.
Checking LEGACY_MpsSvc: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open LEGACY_MpsSvc\0000 registry key. The key does not exist.

bfe Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of bfe service is OK.
The ImagePath of bfe service is OK.
The ServiceDll of bfe service is OK.
Checking LEGACY_bfe: ATTENTION!=====> Unable to open LEGACY_bfe\0000 registry key. The key does not exist.

Firewall Disabled Policy:

System Restore:

System Restore Disabled Policy:

Security Center:

Windows Update:

Windows Autoupdate Disabled Policy:

Windows Defender:
WinDefend Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of WinDefend service is OK.
The ImagePath of WinDefend service is OK.
The ServiceDll of WinDefend service is OK.

Windows Defender Disabled Policy:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender]

Other Services:

File Check:
C:\Windows\system32\nsisvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\nsiproxy.sys => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\afd.sys => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tdx.sys => MD5 is legit
[2013-08-14 05:15] - [2013-07-04 22:20] - 0914880 ____A (Microsoft Corporation) 6D0D344F643E28B31262AC2682109A3C

C:\Windows\system32\dnsrslvr.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\mpssvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\bfe.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mpsdrv.sys => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\SDRSVC.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\vssvc.exe => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\wscsvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\wbem\WMIsvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\wuaueng.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\qmgr.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\es.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\cryptsvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpSvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\ipnathlp.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\iphlpsvc.dll => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe => MD5 is legit
C:\Windows\system32\rpcss.dll => MD5 is legit

**** End of log ****

This morning I went through the Control Panel to try and set up a network.
I ended up at a dialog box entitled "Set up a wireless router or access point".
This box has the text "Set up a home or small business network" and down the bottom has a "Next" button. Clicking on that button does nothing(!). Maybe that is a hint.


My Computer

This box has the text "Set up a home or small business network" and down the bottom has a "Next" button. Clicking on that button does nothing(!). Maybe that is a hint.


That button has the Administrator shield (for wont of the correct term). Maybe that's why nothing is happening.
(Normally, when an Administrator is called for, a dialog box pops up and I just click the OK button)

So, I decided to log on as an Administrator.

I "googled" how to do this and nothing so far has worked.
For example, in "Computer Management", there is no "Local users and Groups".

Can someone point me in the right direction?


My Computer

I don't understand why the scanner is looking for Legacy keys - none should exist anyhow.

Please open an Elevated Command Prompt, and run the following commands

REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MpsSvc
REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_MpsSvc

post the results...
Here are some instructions to make life easier :)
1) To open an Elevated Command Prompt Window (the ECP window), click on Start, All Programs, Accessories – then right-click on Command Prompt, and select Run as Administrator. Accept the UAC prompt.
2) To run the commands easier, highlight the block of commands, and right-click on the highlight – select Copy. In the CP Window, click on the black/white icon at top left – select Paste. The commands will run but may not complete the last command, so hit the Enter Key once.
3) To copy the results... click on the Black/White icon in the top left, and select Edit... 'Select All', and hit the Enter key - then use Ctrl+V or r-click+Paste to paste it into your response.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
Noel, thanks again for your time.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MpsSvc

DisplayName REG_SZ @%SystemRoot%\system32\FirewallAPI.dll,-23090
Group REG_SZ NetworkProvider
ImagePath REG_EXPAND_SZ %SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServ
Description REG_SZ @%SystemRoot%\system32\FirewallAPI.dll,-23091
ObjectName REG_SZ NT Authority\LocalService
ErrorControl REG_DWORD 0x1
Start REG_DWORD 0x2
Type REG_DWORD 0x20
DependOnService REG_MULTI_SZ mpsdrv\0bfe
ServiceSidType REG_DWORD 0x3
RequiredPrivileges REG_MULTI_SZ SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege\0SeAudit
FailureActions REG_BINARY 80510100000000000000000003000000140000000100




Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_Mps
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.



My Computer

I think they've gotten sneakier in the past few weeks!

There's an error in this line...

Please open an Elevated Command Prompt, and run the following command


post the results

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_MPS

NextInstance REG_DWORD 0x1

Service REG_SZ mpsdrv
Legacy REG_DWORD 0x1
ConfigFlags REG_DWORD 0x20
Class REG_SZ LegacyDriver
ClassGUID REG_SZ {8ECC055D-047F-11D1-A537-0000F8753ED1}
DeviceDesc REG_SZ @%SystemRoot%\system32\FirewallAPI.dll,-23092
Capabilities REG_DWORD 0x0


ActiveService REG_SZ mpsdrv


My Computer

That's normal.

There's something screwy here - the Legacy entry shouldn't exist, but Farbar is saying it's missing.
I'm wondering WTH could be telling Farbar that it's needed?

I'll have to do some research and come back to you.
In the meantime, what Anti-virus is installed? what other AV's have EVER been installed?

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
Right now it is:

Microsoft Security Essentials
Super Antispyware

In the past there has been:

Symantec (I think. Or was that the previous PC? Can't remember)


My Computer

Hmmm - ouch! - that could explain it.
My three least-favourite AV's are in there!

before we deal with those, let's see if we can find out where the problem is...

Please be VERY careful following these instructions! There is no UNDO option here - so keep your urges quelled :)

Highlight the 'Computer' icon in the left pane.
Hit Ctrl+F (hold down the Ctrl key and tap the F key) to bring up the Search tool
in the 'Find what' box, type
Make sure that the three 'Look at' boxes are ticked
Click on 'Find Next'

If it finds anything, right-click on the relevant subkey in the left pane, and select 'Export'
call the export NPMpssvc and save it
Close Regedit

- then zip the resulting file and attach it to your response.

Then I'll post cleanup instructions to get rid of the residuals from the old AV's

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
OK - in that case, there's probably a hangover from an AV getting in the way...

please do the following - it looks long-winded (and is) but please follow every step without shortcuts, as AV's tend to get the sulks if you bypass the steps :)

Download the AVG Remover from here
Follow the instructions for running it, and then reboot the machine (whether it asks for it or not, and whether the program rebooted already or not).

Download the McAfee removal tool from:
Click Save, and save the file to a folder on your computer.
Navigate to the folder where you saved the file.
right-click on MCPR.exe and select 'Run as Administrator' to run the removal tool.
when complete, reboot.

Download the Norton Removal Tool from here

Close all other programs, then run the tool. When it's complete, reboot the machine whether it asks for it or not.

After the reboot, open an Elevated Command Prompt, and run the following command


You'll be advised to reboot - do so.
then post another Farbar report.


My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
A big thanks for the continued help, Noel.

AVG remover had a problem and quit working.

Here is the log:

2014-03-02 11:00:05,175 INFO SystemChecking started.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 DEBUG Cannot open AvgUninstall key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Avg8Uninstall\Directories (error: e0010013)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 DEBUG Cannot open AvgUninstall key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Avg9Uninstall\Directories (error: e0010013)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 WARN AvgDir parameter is empty, but Remover found AvgDir at 'C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2012', use this path as default.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 WARN AvgDataDir parameter is empty.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 DEBUG Cannot open AvgUninstall key SOFTWARE\AVG\AVG IDS\IDS (error: e0010013)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 DEBUG Cannot open AvgUninstall key SOFTWARE\AVG SafeGuard toolbar (error: e0010013)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 DEBUG Cannot open AvgUninstall key SOFTWARE\AVG Secure Search (error: e0010013)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 DEBUG Cannot open AvgUninstall key SOFTWARE\AVG Security Toolbar (error: e0010013)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 DEBUG Cannot open AvgUninstall key Software\Microsoft\Exchange\v8.0\Setup (error: e0010013)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 DEBUG Cannot open AvgUninstall key Software\Microsoft\Exchange\v8.0\Setup (error: e0010013)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 DEBUG Cannot open AvgUninstall key Software\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v14\Setup (error: e0010013)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 DEBUG Cannot open AvgUninstall key Software\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v14\Setup (error: e0010013)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,452 WARN aCIZsGeLaCYauXzmqjW4XebGhpkyN84wX
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Disabling IDP Self Protection has failed with error 0xe0010054
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO Attempting to uninstall AVG Identity Protection.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO Attempting to uninstall AVG IG toolbar.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO AVG IG toolbar not present in the system
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO Attempting to uninstall AVG Visionize toolbar.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO (Google) toolbar not present in the system
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO (Yahoo) toolbar not present in the system
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO Attempting to remove MSI Data.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG No product code found for our upgrade codes, nothing to do here
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO Attempting to remove Exchange server plugins.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO Removing AvgOutlook addin
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins found, remove key avgoutlook.Addin (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'avgoutlook.Addin': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key avgoutlook.Addin (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'avgoutlook.Addin': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key avgoutlook.Addin.1 (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'avgoutlook.Addin.1': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key CLSID\{9F39046C-801E-4E15-8CD9-ACF0ACF29048} (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'CLSID\{9F39046C-801E-4E15-8CD9-ACF0ACF29048}': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key CLSID\{F083C5AB-08AD-4ABF-A2BE-8FA5C7D2F10A} (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'CLSID\{F083C5AB-08AD-4ABF-A2BE-8FA5C7D2F10A}': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key AppID\avgoutlook.DLL (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'AppID\avgoutlook.DLL': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins found, remove key avgoutlook.Addin (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'avgoutlook.Addin': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key avgoutlook.Addin (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'avgoutlook.Addin': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key avgoutlook.Addin.1 (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'avgoutlook.Addin.1': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key CLSID\{9F39046C-801E-4E15-8CD9-ACF0ACF29048} (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'CLSID\{9F39046C-801E-4E15-8CD9-ACF0ACF29048}': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key CLSID\{F083C5AB-08AD-4ABF-A2BE-8FA5C7D2F10A} (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'CLSID\{F083C5AB-08AD-4ABF-A2BE-8FA5C7D2F10A}': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key AppID\avgoutlook.DLL (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'AppID\avgoutlook.DLL': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO Removing Sharepoint plugin if exists
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key CLSID\{8B39AD4E-1AB3-4AE1-B533-706F1CACED83} (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'CLSID\{8B39AD4E-1AB3-4AE1-B533-706F1CACED83}': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG RootKey (null) found, remove key CLSID\{6E801D47-45B7-4D10-8268-DBBD5C233F82} (forced:1)
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to delete key 'CLSID\{6E801D47-45B7-4D10-8268-DBBD5C233F82}': 0xe001003d
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to open key 'Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\AVScanner': 0xe0010013
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Failed to open key 'Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\AVScanner': 0xe0010013
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO Removing Antispam plugin for Exchange 2000/2003 if exists
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO Exchange 2007/2010 not instaled on this machine
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 INFO Attempting to remove NDIS driver.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,484 DEBUG Extracting avgremoverndis?.exe from .cab archive
2014-03-02 11:00:17,546 INFO FW removing policy
2014-03-02 11:00:17,858 INFO FW NDIS driver not present
2014-03-02 11:00:17,858 INFO Attempting to remove AVG from WSC.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,858 INFO unregistering from WSC
2014-03-02 11:00:17,874 INFO WSC object created
2014-03-02 11:00:17,874 INFO WSC object attached
2014-03-02 11:00:17,952 INFO WSC object registered
2014-03-02 11:00:17,983 INFO WSC object unregistered
2014-03-02 11:00:17,983 INFO Begin of EnableWinFW.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,998 ERROR Turning WinFW on/off failed: 0x800706D9
2014-03-02 11:00:17,998 INFO End of EnableWinFW: 0x800706D9
2014-03-02 11:00:17,998 INFO Attempting to remove AVG services.
2014-03-02 11:00:17,998 INFO Processing service avg8emc, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:17,998 INFO Processing service avg8wd, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Service avg8wd is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 DEBUG Service avg8wd RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 DEBUG Registry keys for service avg8wd are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service AvgMfx86, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service avg9wd, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:17,998 INFO Processing service avgfws8, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service AvgWfpA, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:17,998 INFO Processing service AvgWFPx, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Service AvgWFPx is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 DEBUG Service AvgWFPx RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgWFPx are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service AVGIDSDriverxpx, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,030 INFO Processing service AvgWFPa, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,030 INFO Processing service AvgLdx86, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,030 INFO Processing service AvgTdiX, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,030 INFO Processing service AvgWfpX, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,030 INFO Processing service AvgRkx86, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,030 INFO Processing service avg9emc, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Service avg8emc is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 DEBUG Service avg8emc RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 DEBUG Registry keys for service avg8emc are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service avgfws, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSWatcher, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Service AvgMfx86 is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service AvgRkx64, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Service avgfws is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 DEBUG Service avgfws RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 DEBUG Registry keys for service avgfws are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service avgfws9, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSFiltervtx, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Processing service AVGIDSFiltervta, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Processing service AVGIDSShimw7x, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Processing service AVGIDSDriverw7x, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Processing service AVGIDSDriverw7a, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Processing service AVGIDSErHrvtx, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,030 INFO Service AvgLdx86 is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 DEBUG Service AvgLdx86 RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgLdx86 are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 INFO Processing service avgwd, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 INFO Processing service ContentFilter, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Service AvgTdiX is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Service AvgTdiX RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgTdiX are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Service AvgWFPa is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Service AvgWFPa RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgWFPa are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Service AvgRkx86 is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Service AvgRkx86 RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgRkx86 are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 INFO Processing service AvgRemote, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Service AvgWfpX is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Service AvgWfpX RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgWfpX are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 DEBUG Service AvgMfx86 RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgMfx86 are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Service avg9emc is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Service avg9emc RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 DEBUG Registry keys for service avg9emc are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSFilterxpx, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,092 INFO Service AVGIDSFilterxpx is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,092 DEBUG Service AVGIDSFilterxpx RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,092 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSFilterxpx are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSDrivervtx, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSDrivervta, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSFilterw7x, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSFilterw7a, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSErHrxpx, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSErHrvta, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Service AVGIDSWatcher is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 DEBUG Service AVGIDSWatcher RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSWatcher are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSErHrw7a, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Service AvgRkx64 is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 DEBUG Service AvgRkx64 RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgRkx64 are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 INFO Service AVGIDSErHrw7a is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 DEBUG Service AVGIDSErHrw7a RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSErHrw7a are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Service avgfws9 is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 DEBUG Service avgfws9 RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service AVGIDSAgent, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service AVGIDSShimxpx, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Service AVGIDSFiltervtx is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 DEBUG Service AVGIDSFiltervtx RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSFiltervtx are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Service AVGIDSFiltervta is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Service AVGIDSFiltervta RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Service AVGIDSShimw7x is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Service AVGIDSShimw7x RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSShimw7x are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service AvgTdiA, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Service AVGIDSDriverw7x is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Service AVGIDSDriverw7x RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSDriverw7x are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,030 INFO Service AVGIDSDriverxpx is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Service AVGIDSDriverxpx RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSDriverxpx are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Processing service AVGIDSErHrw7x, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,061 INFO Service AVGIDSDriverw7a is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Service AVGIDSDriverw7a RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSDriverw7a are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Service avg9wd is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Service avg9wd RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Registry keys for service avg9wd are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 INFO Service AVGIDSErHrvtx is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 DEBUG Service AVGIDSErHrvtx RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSErHrvtx are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Service avgfws8 is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 DEBUG Service avgfws8 RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 DEBUG Registry keys for service avgfws8 are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 INFO Processing service AvgApiWrapper, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 INFO Service avgwd is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 DEBUG Service avgwd RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 DEBUG Registry keys for service avgwd are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 INFO Processing service XmppAuth, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Service AvgWfpA is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 DEBUG Service AvgWfpA RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgWfpA are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,076 INFO Service ContentFilter is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 DEBUG Service ContentFilter RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 DEBUG Registry keys for service ContentFilter are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,092 INFO Processing service raserver, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,045 INFO Processing service AVGIDSShimvtx, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,092 INFO Service AvgRemote is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Service AvgRemote RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgRemote are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 INFO Service AVGIDSDrivervta is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Service AVGIDSDrivervta RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSDrivervta are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 INFO Service AVGIDSFilterw7x is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Service AVGIDSFilterw7x RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSFilterw7x are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 INFO Service AVGIDSFilterw7a is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Service AVGIDSFilterw7a RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSFilterw7a are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 INFO Service AVGIDSErHrxpx is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Service AVGIDSErHrxpx RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSErHrxpx are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 INFO Service AVGIDSDrivervtx is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Service AVGIDSDrivervtx RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSDrivervtx are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 INFO Service AVGIDSErHrvta is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Service AVGIDSErHrvta RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSErHrvta are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 INFO Service raserver is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Service raserver RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Registry keys for service raserver are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 DEBUG Registry keys for service avgfws9 are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,108 INFO Service AVGIDSAgent is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Service AVGIDSAgent RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSAgent are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service AvgLdx64, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSFiltervta are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 INFO Service AvgLdx64 is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Service AvgLdx64 RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgLdx64 are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 INFO Service AvgTdiA is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Service AvgTdiA RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgTdiA are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 INFO Service AVGIDSErHrw7x is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Service AVGIDSErHrw7x RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSErHrw7x are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 INFO Service AvgApiWrapper is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Service AvgApiWrapper RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgApiWrapper are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,139 INFO Service XmppAuth is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Service XmppAuth RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Registry keys for service XmppAuth are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,014 INFO Processing service AvgMfx64, it can take several minutes...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,154 INFO Service AVGIDSShimvtx is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Service AVGIDSShimvtx RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSShimvtx are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,123 INFO Service AVGIDSShimxpx is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Service AVGIDSShimxpx RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 DEBUG Registry keys for service AVGIDSShimxpx are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,170 INFO Service AvgMfx64 is not installed
2014-03-02 11:00:18,186 DEBUG Service AvgMfx64 RegCleanup
2014-03-02 11:00:18,186 DEBUG Registry keys for service AvgMfx64 are not present
2014-03-02 11:00:18,186 INFO Attempting to remove AVG drivers.
2014-03-02 11:00:18,186 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgfwd6a'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,232 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgfwd6x'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,295 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgfwda'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,342 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgfwdx'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,404 DEBUG Deleting driver 'AVGIDSDriver'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,466 DEBUG Deleting driver 'AVGIDSEH'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,513 DEBUG Deleting driver 'AVGIDSHX'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,576 DEBUG Deleting driver 'AVGIDSfilter'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,638 DEBUG Deleting driver 'AVGIDSShim'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,685 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgldx64'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,747 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgldx86'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,794 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgmfx64'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,856 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgmfx86'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,919 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgrkx64'...
2014-03-02 11:00:18,966 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgrkx86'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,028 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgtdia'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,075 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgtdix'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,137 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgwfpa'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,184 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgwfpx'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,246 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avglogdrvx86'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,293 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avglogdrvx64'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,356 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avglogx'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,402 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgloga'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,465 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgrkx86UniversalDD'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,512 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgbootx'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,574 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgboota'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,621 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgdiska'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,683 DEBUG Deleting driver 'avgdiskx'...
2014-03-02 11:00:19,730 INFO Attempting to remove AVG running processes.
2014-03-02 11:00:19,777 INFO Attempting to uninstall CloudCare.
2014-03-02 11:00:19,777 INFO CloudCare not instaled on this machine

My Computer

I can't see anything unexpected in the log - what happens if you try running the remover again?
(It normally just exits, with no warning or message at all - so it may have completed properly, unless you did actually get some kind of message?)

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
A msg box displays:

"AVG Remover Utility has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available"

Here's the text from the MS DOS screen:

2014-03-02 12:13:01,079 INFO Processing service AVGIDSDriverxpx, it can take sev
eral minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,079 INFO Processing service AVGIDSFiltervta, it can take sev
eral minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,111 INFO Service AVGIDSFiltervta is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,048 INFO Service AvgWFPa is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,033 INFO Processing service avg9wd, it can take several minu
2014-03-02 12:13:01,079 INFO Processing service AVGIDSShimw7x, it can take sever
al minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,126 INFO Service AVGIDSShimw7x is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,079 INFO Processing service AVGIDSDriverw7x, it can take sev
eral minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,064 INFO Processing service avgfws9, it can take several min
2014-03-02 12:13:01,126 INFO Service avgfws9 is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,095 INFO Processing service AVGIDSDriverw7a, it can take sev
eral minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,142 INFO Service AVGIDSDriverw7a is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,095 INFO Processing service AVGIDSErHrxpx, it can take sever
al minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,095 INFO Processing service AVGIDSErHrvta, it can take sever
al minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,095 INFO Processing service AVGIDSErHrvtx, it can take sever
al minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,142 INFO Service AVGIDSErHrvtx is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,095 INFO Service AVGIDSWatcher is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,048 INFO Processing service AvgWfpX, it can take several min
2014-03-02 12:13:01,095 INFO Service AVGIDSErHrw7x is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,048 INFO Processing service AvgLdx86, it can take several mi
2014-03-02 12:13:01,157 INFO Service AvgLdx86 is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,079 INFO Processing service AVGIDSFilterxpx, it can take sev
eral minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,111 INFO Processing service AvgApiWrapper, it can take sever
al minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,079 INFO Processing service AVGIDSShimvtx, it can take sever
al minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,111 INFO Service ContentFilter is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,111 INFO Processing service XmppAuth, it can take several mi
2014-03-02 12:13:01,173 INFO Service XmppAuth is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,111 INFO Processing service AvgRemote, it can take several m
2014-03-02 12:13:01,111 INFO Service AVGIDSFiltervtx is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,111 INFO Processing service raserver, it can take several mi
2014-03-02 12:13:01,111 INFO Service AVGIDSDriverxpx is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,079 INFO Service AVGIDSFilterw7x is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,126 INFO Service avg9wd is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,126 INFO Service AVGIDSDriverw7x is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,079 INFO Service avgfws is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,095 INFO Service AVGIDSFilterw7a is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,142 INFO Service AVGIDSErHrxpx is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,142 INFO Service AVGIDSErHrvta is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,157 INFO Service AvgWfpX is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,095 INFO Processing service AVGIDSErHrw7a, it can take sever
al minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,189 INFO Service AVGIDSErHrw7a is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,157 INFO Service AvgApiWrapper is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,157 INFO Service AVGIDSShimvtx is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,079 INFO Processing service AVGIDSDrivervtx, it can take sev
eral minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,173 INFO Service AvgRemote is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,204 INFO Service AVGIDSDrivervtx is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,173 INFO Service raserver is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,157 INFO Service AVGIDSFilterxpx is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,079 INFO Processing service AVGIDSDrivervta, it can take sev
eral minutes...
2014-03-02 12:13:01,204 INFO Service AVGIDSDrivervta is not installed
2014-03-02 12:13:01,220 INFO Attempting to remove AVG drivers.
System error 1060 has occurred.

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

[SC] OpenService FAILED 1060:

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

System error 1060 has occurred.

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[SC] OpenService FAILED 1060:

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System error 1060 has occurred.

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System error 1060 has occurred.

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System error 1060 has occurred.

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[SC] OpenService FAILED 1060:

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[SC] OpenService FAILED 1060:

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

System error 1060 has occurred.

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[SC] OpenService FAILED 1060:

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

System error 1060 has occurred.

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

[SC] OpenService FAILED 1060:

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

2014-03-02 12:13:02,951 INFO Attempting to remove AVG running processes.
2014-03-02 12:13:03,217 INFO Attempting to uninstall CloudCare.
2014-03-02 12:13:03,217 INFO CloudCare not instaled on this machine


The McAffee and Norton removal seemed to go well.

I tried the AVG removal again but same results.

My Computer
